Friday, September 08, 2006

Conspiracy Theories....why?

With September 11 looming in the distance, I thought I'd touch on something that I've never quite understood, conspiracy theories. Nearly every time there's a major incident resulting in the loss of life, regardless of how it occurred, someone reaches to the far depths of reality and offers forth a bizarre theory by loosely stringing together the facts of the case with pure conjecture.

We saw it with the JFK assassination, the death of Princess Diana, and of course the events of September 11, 2001. I understand that human nature is to want answers, but what is it that makes people grasp onto someone else's delusion without even checking any facts? Is it an inability to process complex information? Is it that they so desperately want to have "the answers" that they'll accept any answers regardless of how far fetched?

To give you an example. There is a video called "Loose Change" about the events of September 11, 2001. I won't link it here since I don't want to seem as though I'm in any way promoting this man's lunacy. The basic idea in this video is that the US Government was directly responsible for everything that happened that day. Oh yes. The US Government killed thousands of innocent citizens in an effort to um, hmm, what was it they were trying to do again? Oh, that's right, start a war...I guess. I watched the video and was immediately struck by some of the glaring inaccuracies and outright silly leaps in logic, but it's obvious from their forums and people commenting elsewhere that some people don't have that sort of reasoning power. People are actually believing this crap!

Now, I don't have the time nor the space here to get into a point by point rebuttal of the video, but thankfully I don't have to! It's already been done beautifully by the folks over at If you've already googled and downloaded the video to watch, and if you're anything like me you already did, then at least put forth the extra effort to skim through the guide.

I understand that filtering this type of information takes a certain amount of reasoning ability, but if you can't manage to understand all of the information, then don't just accept whatever theory "feels" better to you! No matter what sort of pretty package they've wrapped around their well crafted pile of shit, it's still shit. Don't just eat it up! Sniff it, poke it with a stick, pick it apart and see it for what it really is. Then share your new found intelligence with the other sheep, won't you?


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