Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So Anyway...

As I was going to post on Monday, my mom got married this weekend. I believe it's her 6th official, legal, marriage, but this would be her first one straight and sober. The guy she married is a good guy, and they seem really happy. I'd say this one has the most potential to last.

Her wedding was an outside affair, attended by most of our family, some of his family, and a handful of friends. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm, and I think everyone had a good time. It was nice to see some members of my family I haven't seen in a while. There's always lots of laughs when we get together.

Since they're out of town this week, I'm babysitting their cat, Wingnut. I have three cats of my own, so the original plan was to keep Wing in my kid's bedroom so that there wouldn't be a conflict between him and my cats. You can assume if I'm referring to that as "the original plan" that things did not go as I had anticipated. Our first problem was that our cats were just fascinated with the idea of another cat living in the bedroom. They laid in front of the door, stuck their paws underneath, and tugged on the door. The result is a rather annoying banging of the door in it's frame. This went on all night Sunday & Monday night, leaving two very groggy and tired people.

It became apparent that our youngest cat, Rocket aka Rocky, really wanted to check this new fellow out. So we took Rocky into the bedroom with Wing and let him hang out for a while on Monday evening. They played, goofed off, and seemed to enjoy each other. We repeated it yesterday evening with similar results. Finally, around 8 last night, we opened the bedroom door and let the four cats greet each other to see how it would go. When there wasn't a grand display of poofy tails and hissing, I decided to let Wing wander around for a bit. Come bedtime, the four of them seemed to be getting along ok, mostly chasing each other around and playing. I figured they'd get tired of running and settle down within a couple hours.

But no......

They chased each other all...damn...night, round and round and round and round. It was better than hearing the constant door banging of the night before, but still not exactly peaceful. See, our three have come to understand that we sleep at night and they generally settle down around 11 or 12 at the latest. Wing, apparently, has never learned that nighttime is for sleeping and he wasn't about to let any of our three rest. I put him back in the bedroom while we're at work today and I'll let him out again this evening. Hopefully there will be more peace tonight, but I'm not counting on it. Four more nights until he goes home!


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