Trying to be healthier
So far I've cut out fast food at work (I sit at a desk all day), and added in "light" lunches. Sometimes it's salad, sometimes a sandwich, but I always include a yogurt so I feel like I'm getting dessert. I figure I've gotten my lunch to less than 500 calories, which is pretty good considering I have no inclination to eat breakfast. I don't actually count calories, as that feels too time intensive and constricting, but I'm definitely down from what I was intaking before. It's a pretty big cut in calories from eating Lasagna and garlic bread from Pasta Wagon, and a salad apple and yogurt.
A while back I shifted from regular Mountain Dew to Diet Mountain Dew. Now I'm phasing out Diet Mountain Dew altogether. I'm substituting water in it's place and am already up to drinking a 2.3 liter container of water every day during work hours. I figure my water consumption will go up even further now that I'm cutting out Mountain Dew after work as well.
I've already noticed that I feel better and more clear-headed during the day. I haven't weighed myself (I don't own a scale) but it seem as if I've lost a few pounds too!
Just to be clear, I love food. I am NOT on any kind of diet. I'm altering small things, letting myself adjust until it becomes the "normal" way of things, then changing another small thing. I won't restrict myself, count calories or follow some fad diet plan. I just want to feel healthier. That's my only goal.