Monday, December 04, 2006

Back to Early Mornings

Welp, looks like it's back to early mornings for me! The boyfriend has a new job, which means I'm back to getting to work just over an hour early every morning. As it turns out, that works perfectly for blogging, since it's the only time of the day I seem to have time to write.

I didn't "finish" Nano this year, in case anyone was actually wondering. I, sadly, got bored with my own story and wimped out...again. I could berate myself, but what's the point in that? I still wrote more than I would have otherwise, and there's always next year!

It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to uncontrolled spending and the giving of unnecessary gifts! Every year I have a tight budget for Christmas, and this year is no exception. I always end up feeling like I should have gotten the kids more, or I should have picked something different. I'm not sure what it is that drives me to feel that way. I'd honestly be better served getting them things like clothes, a new dresser for their room, etc. But the long abandoned kid inside me assures me that those gifts are NOT for Christmas and I will never be forgiven if I try to ruin Christmas with such "lame" gifts so I'm on a constant hunt for the gifts that will make their faces light up Christmas morning. Of course, finding those gifts is more challenging when you're on a budget, but I think I usually do a pretty good job. Either that, or my kids are pro's at faking it!