Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I haven't died or anything

Sorry about the month long absence. There's been a boatload of stuff going on, and it's just now starting to get a little better. I'm anxiously looking forward to National Novel Writing Month next month. I'd really like to "win" this year, but we'll see how it goes.

I'm debating back and forth about whether I should "write" here on my blog or not. Part of me thinks it would encourage me to keep writing and strive for the 50k word count goal, but part of me thinks I'll get bogged down in the thought of other people reading it and give in to self consciousness. I've got two weeks to make up my mind.

My daughter went to violin camp last weekend. She had a really good time, and I'm glad she'll have these kinds of experiences too look back on when she's grown. It struck me the other day that she's starting to grow up in fast motion all of the sudden. She's still rather innocent, but little things are changing every day, in both her looks and her personality. My little girl is rapidly being replaced by a young woman. I hope her dad and I have given her, and will continue to give her, the basic building blocks she needs to build a successful life.

My son is enjoying school and life. He asked me to have his teacher send home some extra work for him, and he was working on that every day. He also wrote me a cool story about a shark named Anda. I'm constantly impressed by both his intelligence and his caring nature.

Anyway, it's time for me to get some other things done. Hope to write again soon!